The Non Profit –

The Non Profit

A New Day, a New Way

By Artists for Artists

Created by Artists to help Artists thrive, STA Platform is in a world of it's own.

Highest GOOD of ALL

Our culture and community is centered on all things good. LOVE, JOY, KINDNESS & PEACE

Art & Philanthropy

When you combine art and philanthropy, you create a powerful force for change, preserving creativity while uplifting lives and inspiring hope.

A Non Profit Platform?

What would happen if a Non Profit launched a Social Media platform with all the capabilities of others but focused on people over profit?

One of a Kind Reward Program

You have to see it to believe it. This platform is for Save the Artists Members Only.


STA Scholarships

We have put together an Artist Success Suite built for ROYALTY. One that every Artist deserves to have access to. That's why we embedded scholarships to our Membership Packages, as part of our Leave No Artist Behind initiative. .

Community Built

Save the Artists is a community built and run Non Profit. This means there are endless opportunities for Members , on purpose. All members gain access to our Job & Opportunity Board and can gain access to VOTING rights on how the project developes as we launch a GLOBAL mission.

High Impact Art Projects

As part of our 5 year Launch plan, members can look forward to 143 world changing Art projects to be a part of. The first of which is "Save the Oceans" where we have partnered with artist Priscila (Sea Sirens Design) to create and deploy bio friendly sculptures in the ocean to help repopulate the oceans coral reefs.

Where Art and Humanity come Together
Save the Artists Outreach is a Faith Based Organization.
Our faith? We believe in the power Art & Humanity coming together to do good things.